My CNC (ex)router
My project began just as most - from having fun of drawing
I found some material in internet and check others projects. Well, it turn to not be the breaking bone practice so i deside to order parts and to give it a try.
As you can see from the upper pictures i start with the mistake - bought ready board with toshiba chips made in RC. On theory that should work well. In practice .. no. So,if you wish to try similar, skip that one and buy proper drivers.
I took my attention on Allegro chips, in face of PCB board that Pololu offer. Absolute enough as power potential for my steppers. Then i design some small board to combine all in one, take some other parts, computer,cables and box. And finally i got what i want for first test.
And then come the first result of the tests..
Unfortunately the project wen away and was sold.. but hope one day to build new one with better materials and motors.
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Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 14:57:25
Hi there!
I was that guy who buy this project from you. Many years has gone but now i have time to this project. Actually i have made some tests now with my machine. It seems to work perfectly.
Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 15:25:24
Hi back,
Nice to hear you`re moving it to work stage and all goes well!
Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 17:40:03
By the way, those anti backlash nuts seems to work very well. Actually there aren’t backlash at all. I was suspicious about those, but for no reason.
Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 20:49:36
Same design is used in normal old turning machines but nut has been made from brass.
In case of backlash only adjust ;)