
Audi 100 park - dash - number plate light problem

In this post, will expain about Audi 100, C4 model 1994. It lost park lights, number plate, dash backlight, and.. fog light.
All that was caused actually by single piece of plastic that cost perhaps no more than 0.20e. As you can guess is not for sale separate.


Before to discover that issue, I open:

aud100_01.jpg aud100_02.jpg

Checking all fuses show only one thing - there is no power supply to that one responsible for described lamps. I try to supply straight the front park bulbs and seems all work fine. Low and High beam also intact. Hm.. Then there was that idea to take out the control stalks. For that you have to:
- use hexagon key to release little the bolt keeping the unit trough that hole at the bottom. From there you can acces 2 vertical screws keeping top cover.
- remove the steering wheel(thin screw driver will help with logo cap)
After that is pretty straight forward.

aud100_03.jpg aud100_04.jpg aud100_07.jpg

I try to fix it in really DIY way:


But that last only 10-15 “dry” test switches at home. Didn`t break, but lost dash power supply. Now it is with external switch until replacement unit arrive.
And how that light switch work actually - from main power supply, at first work position it give power to any backlight, and power to the fog lamp control buttons. Second give to number plate and park lights. And last position is to supply low beam.
In that model(1994) thin wires Green-Black, and Green-Red (from the switch plug) goest to fuses 5 and 6 and they supply left and right side park lights. Yellow-white should supply fog lamps, and thing top gray should be for dash backlight and power to the fog lamp buttons.

Good luck