Sunday, 3-September-2017

Hyundai Gtez - Brakes replacement [ABS]


Ok, if you drop on that top, you`re searching for how to article I guess. So, here are my few cents in the jar.

What your Hyundai Gtez have you can check here: https://hyundai.cata … ang:en;catalog:eur}

Well, I presume you`re located in some place in Europe. Have no clue is that website work on US/Asia models.

Be carefull because there are Getz models WITH and WITHOUT abs systems. That one was WITH, so the disk, and the drums where different than normal one. But, of course you can remove the wheel and see if there is cable to sensor or not and that will give you the andswer what you need.

The time it cost me all that work was about 3h and I was really lazy, so perhaps for you it will cost maybe 2-2.5h.

What you need:

- socket 12mm (for the caliper hub) , socket 17mm (for the hub bracket) , 10mm socket for the bleeding nipples.

- and other standard things as copper grease, break cleaner, gloves, screw drivers and so on..

Strongly advice you, all that sockets to be pure hexagon inside. No stars, or other multi tool shit, because otherwise you can round the bolt edges and to discover how much you can actually swear.


Put the front end on stands. Remove wheels. With 12mm socket remove the bottom bolt that keep the hub

getz2.jpg getz3.jpg

With 17mm socket remove that 2 bolts keeping hub bracket:


Once removed, you can take that 2 philips head screws that keep the disk and remove it. And yeah, sometimes even not so wear, the disk can be also in bad shape:

getz4.jpg getz6.jpg

Then replace the pads, other accessory if needed, add little of copper grease on the slider pins. Use tool to push max back the break piston and fit all on reverse order.


In my case, I replace few things extra:

getz7.jpg getz9.jpg getz8.jpg

As “shit” I can describe replacing the rubber cover over the metal guide bush. There is grooved channel, and the rubber edge must be inside and after that to slide that guide bush. And fitting that rubber become small pain in the ass and cost me quite some time.

Rear side? That is straight forward. Find two M8 bolts that will help you to “push out” the drum from it place over the hub

Once you open, take careful look how every spring and parts are located.


Small tip here:

- remove the small long spring that keep the teeth locker

- look on the upper picture. Find proper screw driver and push on that place marked in circle in the arrow direction. That will loose the break shoes. Open them little like V and remove the bottom spring.

- is not 100% necessary, but if you find bargain price for set(usually they are) buy new that break shoe keepers, and springs.

If you car have quite few years and kilometres behind,maybe is wise idea to replace also the rubber boots over the break cylinder ends.

getz12.jpg getz13.jpg

Fitting back:

- fit the hand break cable on the back shoe

- fit the small spring in the bottom on both shoes and put on place. Then fit the break shoe keeping pins and springs

- put back that screw ejector pipe that stay between the break shoes. That is why I advised you to keep good look before start because there is way and position of it. Tight it to be as much as possible closed

- fit that long spring on the same way you took it off.(same tip as upper mentioned)

- add that teeth locker and it spring

- be sure the handbrake is fully down

Now the slow part:

- put the drum on place and your assistant will push the break few times. You should hear some click. Then with fully pressed break pedal pull handbreak few times.

- release the hand break fully down and lift only one click.

* If there isn`t any resistance when you try to spin the drum, release the break, take it drum down and adjust that teeth wheel. Fit back. Repeat that until you get slightly resistance on first click. On fully released handbreak shouldn`t be any resistance in rotating! In that way even on third click already will be hard to rotate the drum.


- remove the master cylinder tank cap before start

- use assistant to help you to bleed the breaks after every wheel break removing

Good luck

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