
Xantia II - rear window heater /задно стъкло отоплител

When i bought the car,weather was warm and nice and i did not try if trunk window heating work. The problem appear that someone make cable repair and didn`t pull the cover gently and reap off together with the pin the heater plug. The only solution was to add new pin, but that was quite impossible because the resisting foil is so thin. So i decide to solder cable, and on it end to have that pin. The way i have don it was to spray solder acid to clean the copper surface, then until is wet, heat solder material and spread it little over. After that add one huge drop on the cable. After that drop is in almost liquid phase,and is few mm close to the surface i heat it with the solder iron and push it on. Immediately blow to cool all down because that resisting layer is so thin that second later you`ll have hole there. Job done! Kогато купих колата не обърнах внимание на това че има проблем с нагревателя на задното стъкло. Проблема бе откъртен пин при сваляне на кора от някой спец. За целта почистих едно удобно място с химикал за запояване, и на кабел на който предварително бях поставил кабелна обувка,нанесох обилен слой калай. След това леко затоплик парченце тенол и го стопих върху мястото на стъклото.Много внимателно ислед докосване, веднага обдухване за да не пробие фолиото. Същото с кабела - затополих на разстояние около 5мм от стъклото кабела до състояние течна фаза на тенола по него , при което веднага допрях и обдухах да не прегори. Вече втора година имам задно отопление!


Toyota Corolla 1998 - fog ligh problem

The problem - the rear fog lamp was not working. Solution - the car have trail hook and close to it the electric plug get bad contacts. Due the toyota design the fog light cable took power via that plug point. Why.. have no clue. Just unplug the connector in the right trunk pillar and attach straight both original ones. And here we go! At least the owner did not wish more troubles, otherwise the power plug close to the hook need to be replaced. Проблемът бе че фара за мъгла отзад не светеше. Поради спецификата на окабеляването, преходна букса бе поставена между оригиналните в дясна задна половина , която се вижда на снимка. От там сигнала се затваряше през буксата до теглича. Тоест като се вкара букса да прекъсва гара за мъгла или знам ли.. Но поради корозия всичко бе зле, и следователно вместо 12++ волта идваха до лампата само 3. Откачих преходната и закачих направо оригиналните и - готово!

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Opel Vectra - dash backlight / подсветка

The probelm: burned most of the backlight bulbs Проблемът: Изгорели лампички на подсветка

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Opel Zafira - wiper & door problem

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Status:wipers once started never stop until you switch off the key.Problem was burned contact in the motor drive switch Rear door central lock: Broken wire in the rubber hose. Проблемът на този опел бе в това, че веднъж пуснати чистачките не спират докато не угасиш от контакт. Също така и задна дясна вратата не сработваше централното. Оказаха се проблемни пластинки на контактори в първия случай, и скъсан кабел във втория

Xsara 1.8 - Clutch fun

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One reason more to change your parts on time 061.gif

HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 elipse

Within the manual you can find the original version of that idea, but i decide to reduce it and rewrite it. Few changes and you can get it to be produced in desired direction as left2right or right2left, inside or outside.

0  BEGIN PGM elipsa MM 
1  BLK FORM 0.1 Z  X-50  Y-50  Z-1
2  BLK FORM 0.2  X+50  Y+50  Z+1
3  TOOL CALL 3 Z S2500
4  ;------------------------------
5  Q1 = 20 ;elipse radius on X
6  Q2 = 10 ;elipse radius on Y
7  ;------------------------------
8  Q3 = Q108 + Q1 + 3
9  L  X+Q3  Y+0 R0 FMAX
10 L  Z-0.2 R0 FMAX
11 ;=============================
12 Q6 = 360
13 LBL 1
14 Q10 = ( Q1 + Q108 ) * COS Q6
15 Q11 = ( Q2 + Q108 ) * SIN Q6
16 L  X+Q10  Y+Q11 R0 F2000
17 Q6 = Q6 - 1
18 CALL LBL 1 REP360
19 L  Z+5 R0 FMAX M2
20 END PGM elipsa MM 

HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 spiral outside to inside idea

That is my small idea for program, that produce horizontal XY spiral face clean. Analog to Cycle 5 but it work from outside to inside. Basic, that can use any tool to produce any diameter, but keep in mind that it is stupid to use 50mm to try spiral on 30mm surface. From other hand, with 20mm endmill is quite nice to produce 100mm cylinder face

Keep in mind also that depending of the tool size the start point can be very different. In example if we clean 65mm diameter with 20 or 10mm will give different start point and if there is jaw or something can be crashed or milled
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iTNC 530 - test sphere program

The idea behind is to make half sphere only with small piece of code. In theory, should be possible just changing Q1 or the sphere radius , and to make any size.. Well, there should be additional milling if the sphere radius is 300mm, because of the material need to be clean. And that is only.. program for fun test, and somehow it was working on the programming station but not on real machine simulation, because of 530 NC model family difference.

0  BEGIN PGM testsphere MM 

1  BLK FORM 0.1 Z  X-100  Y-100  Z-120

2  BLK FORM 0.2  X+100  Y+100  Z+2

3  FN 0: Q1 =+100

4  FN 0: Q2 =+2

5  TOOL CALL 20 Z S3500


7  Q3 = Q1 / Q2

8  LBL 1

9  L  Z+2 R0 FMAX M3

10 Q4 = Q1 + Q108 + 3

11 L  X+Q4  Z-Q2 R0 F5000

12 Q5 = SQRT ( ( Q1 ^ 2 ) - ( ( Q1 - Q2 ) ^ 2 ) ) + Q108 + 0.5

13 L  X+Q5  Y+0 R0

14 CC  X+0  Y+0

15 CP IPA+360 DR-

16 L IX+0.5 IZ+0.5 R0 F10000

17 Q2 = Q2 + 2


19 L  Z+222 R0 FMAX

20 ;------

21 TOOL CALL 30 Z S6000

22 ;BALL-6MM

23 Q10 = Q1 + Q108 + 3

24 Q11 = Q108 + Q1

25 L  X+Q10  Y+0  Z+2 R0 FMAX M3

26 L  Z-Q11 R0 F3000

27 L  Z-Q108 R0 F1500

28 CC  X+0  Y+0

29 CP IPA+360 DR-

30 L  Z+5 R0 F5000

31 L  Z+2 R0 FMAX

32 LBL 2

33 L  X+Q11  Y+0  Z+2 R0 FMAX

34 Q12 = Q1 - 1

35 L  Z-Q12 R0 F5000

36 CC  X+0  Z+0

37 L  Z-Q11 R0 F2000

38 Q13 = Q108 + Q1

39 L  Z-Q13 R0 F1000

40 CR  X+0  Z+0 R+Q1 DR-

41 CR  X-Q11  Z-Q13 R+Q1 DR-

42 L  Z+2 R0 FMAX


44 CYCL DEF 10.1 IROT+1

45 CALL LBL 2 REP179

46 L  Z+200 R0 FMAX M2

47 END PGM testsphere MM 

Web design - Интернет страници

Agi Style BG - company site , html,css,js


Project Web Shop - company site - php, html, css, js, csv

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Home design - Домашен дизайн

EN: The both designs was developed and produced by me.The paintings on full, the external wooden stuff partially.You can recognize from the drawings.
BG: И двата дизайна са мои, като на дървенията само оградата не е моя. Изпълнението обаче е.

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