
Bridgeport “Pocket is not up” Alarm

EN - Machine is Bridgeport with vertically tool magazine. Fast check reveal the motor overrun little and one sensor signal get lost. Pocket is physically up, but the control don`t seems to know it. Moving by hand the white teeth wheel little back and alarm gone. [Read More…]

Mazak Variaxis 500 Z axis problem-FIX

EN - If you own, or use Mazak Variaxis 500-5AX maybe hit the wall with one quite strange problem - if you work with Z axis lowered down close or after the table center sometimes you`ve got “overload Z” alarm. In our case was profile tool about 20mm taking no more than 1-2mm. In the time of the problem machine was still under guarantee but replacing servo block, setting lower speed in parameters and so on didn`t bring constant problem remove.
The solution was really strange - just zip tie the back response plug to be sure is not vibrating. I suspect high frequency signal going with error check and small vibration make the contacts to loose grip for ms or something like that.
Anyway, using that small “cheat” and you`ll get rid of the problem (about 8years with no such)
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