Toyota T22 Avensis 1998 4A-FE starter replace
Well, as title point right to the topic but anyway.. here is the story what to do:
First we need tools and to open the bonnet.. Sorry bad joke.
Yes, indeed we need tools but that aren`t that much or special.
Wednesday, 6-June-2018
Mini 0807 Some toughts..
Because of need for dash cam, I decide to take one for me. Suspected to be already with issues fixed and better build but get lucky.. On bad way. So as many people buying it, I`ve got out of focus unit. For that purpose I have to open and fix it.
How to do that? Easy by the way.
Labtec LCS-2424 subwoofer mod
What is the story? Mate, have that Labtec set, but want to use only the woofer. Well, first was almost sure can be done fast and easy with some cut and glue.. but.. was wrong. Without the first board didn`t manage to make the second one to work.
For the purpose I cut the cables, and same time the tracks from the mainboard plug to the rest of the board. Then measure what color goes where.
Fiat Panda 2 - window electric lifter FIX
In that topic, will explain something about PANDA. Well, not that chubby sweet bear bit the Italian one.
Here, the problem was : when push “window UP/DOWN” for the passenger front door it start in every 10-15% of move to stall. If help by hand it continue. After opening, and check the problem was nailed: main gear wheel worn bad.
What to do?
Sinumerik 840D Easy - Spiral out-in
Have you get some times to the point, that you like to create nice finish top surface of some cylinder object?
Me to too, so I decide to share code how you can do that in Sinumerik 840D.
Xantia Mk2 Ball-joints replacement
That is “my way”(without Sinatra), of changing them ball-joints. Just for the “fun”,there was also CV joint boot.
Probably you already saw in some youtube video, or in forum people using few meters arm and some belts to do the job. Well, that might also be home solution but for sure the torque gun do much better job and there is no need of converting the wheel hub into mummy.
3×74HC595 - arduino simple test
parts: one arduino uno, 3 x 74HC595, 8 x RGB diodes with common ground pin, 8×220ohm resistors for the red pins, and 150ohms for the rest. Power supply: two 7805 regulators in parallel. Seems in that way do not overheat if all LEDs are on full power, 3×220uF caps, and one 47nF cap. 12V as supply.
the story: there was again some idea of car dash backlight and that was just test what can be created.
Activate Skoda Superb fog lights as cornering help light
That is kind`a straight forward. Here it is(bit 7) :
Saturday, 6-January-2018
Ford Focus Mk2 1.6 diesel - won`t start [possible solution]
Ford Focus Mk2 1.6 diesel - problem: that particular car start from time to time to produce that kind of state:
Tuesday, 2-January-2018
част:34 - Финландия, през погледа на един габровец
Нова година във Финландия. Предполагам, засягал съм казуса “новогодишни празници” и преди както и за това как празнуват уважаемите. Мисля да обеля няколко портокала, пардон думи по този въпрос и сега, но първо малко относно магазинната част. Интересното през тази е, че за близо 8 години и горница преки наблюдения едва тази на 1-ви янувари ще има отворени магазини. Какво пък толкова е интересното ще попитате? То у нас..